PNC Update

The Pastor Nominating Committee (PNC) has met to begin the process of seeking SC Pres' next called pastor(s). Rev. Jim Szeyller from Laguna Niguel Presbyterian Church, the PNC Liaison to Presbytery, has led 5 successful PNC searches.

At the June 30 Congregational meeting, the 11 members of the PNC were tasked with pursuing a copastor model of church leadership. 

The committee is currently working on creating Ministry Discernment Profiles (MDPs) and job descriptions to meet SCPC's needs as defined by the thorough Mission Study. The Mission Study incorporated extensive input from all church constituents and is foundational to the PNC's work.

Stay tuned for a webpage that will be an ongoing source of updates on the process which is expected to take many months. Please pray for continued discernment of Christ's will.


Update: July 12, 2024


Congregational Meeting & PNC Kick-Off