PNC Process

  • The PNC process is deliberative by design. It is also very confidential as it could be disruptive to our church and that of the candidate if details were to leak.

    The average PNC can take anywhere from 18 - 24 months. Since this PNC has been charged with finding two co-co pastors, it could potentially last even longer.

    However, the recent mission study gives us a head start on our work. We plan to move as quickly as we can yet without rushing the process.

    The following 13 Step outline includes the major milestones for our PNC. Note that certain steps will go more quickly than others.

    We will keep this page up to date as we move from one stage to the next.

    • San Clemente Presbyterian Church: SCPC

    • Pastor Nominating Committee: PNC - a group of church members carefully selected to discern the future leadership for the church

    • Ministry Discernment Profile: MDP

      our job description of our church and community

    • Committee on Ministry: COM - a group of 24 leaders and pastors from Presbyterian churches in our Los Ranchos Presbytery

    • Church Leadership Connection: CLC - the database PCUSA runs that helps churches find pastors and vice versa. Like the for PCUSA.

    • Pastor Discernment Profile: PDP - a pastor's resume and application to be a candidate

Presbyterian Polity Requires an Intentionally Deliberate Process

We Are Here



Congregation elects PNC (Pastor Nominating Committee) - church members who have been selected to discern the church’s future leadership.


Session shares discerned staffing model with PNC


  • Affirmed by congregational vote on 6/30/24

First Meeting of PNC (Electing Officers)


PNC Writes MDP (Ministry Discernment Profile)

  • MDP contains job descriptions and qualifications - the MDP is essentially the Job Description for the co-pastors we seek.

  • Working draft of the MDP is submitted to Session for comment. Session is like the Board of the church and is made up of Elders.

  • MDP finalized by the PNC under their authority

  • MDP submitted to COM (Committee on Ministry). The Committee on Ministry is a part of Presbyterian structure. Our Los Ranchos Presbytery has a COM of 24 church leaders and pastors from local Presbyterian churches.

COM Approves our MDP submission.

Upon MDP Approval our SCPC Clerk of Session (church member Carly Scheuer) Gains access to PC(USA)’s database, The CLC (Church Leadership Connection). Think of the CLC as the of the PCUSA that will match candidates with our church’s job posting. Once Carly receives a log-in for the PNC to use, we officially begin the search of the database for candidates that meet our criteria.

  • PNC decides on additional advertising channels

  • PNC generates PDP (Pastor Discernment Profile) review criteria. The PDP is a pastor’s resume and application to be a candidate.

Step 7

MDP Submitted to CLC

  • PNC decides on…

  • Screening process

  • Written questions

  • Phone interviews

  • Zoom interviews

  • Top 3 interviews

  • Site visits

  • Reference & background cheks

  • PNC generates PDP review criteria

Step 9

PNC Reviews CLC Matches & Direct Referrals

Step 8

Extend Calls

Contact COM for candidate terms of call approval

Step 10

Step 11

  • Negotiate terms

  • Initial approval of calls

PNC Reports to Session that it is Ready to Present Candidates

PNC Presents Candidates to Congregation

Step 12

  • Congregation approves terms of call

Candidates Received by Presbytery

Step 13